Anything that makes me feel calmer during these strange and stressful times is very welcome especially when my body decides it is going to go into meltdown mode. I recently reviewed CannaCares' CBD patches and was impressed with how they helped me manage my daily ache and pains (which makes me sound like an old woman) so naturally I was intrigued by this.
On first appearance, this bottle reminded me of a prescription bottle for when you have to have antibiotics for your ears. Precise, I know but actually when I delved a little deeper, it turns out that CannaCares' bottle is a clinically tested device so the similarity makes sense! You might wonder why I'm mentioning this but the great thing about this bottle is that each spray gives you a measured dose of CBD, meaning you know exactly how much you're putting into your system. With that in mind, each pump provides you with a 10mg dose of CBD.
In addition to the CBD, this spray also includes chamomile and spearmint, both of which are known for their calming and relaxing properties. CannaCares suggest 2 sprays under the tongue, 3 times a day (totalling 60mg) which I found to be enough for my needs. I tested this spray both when I was having a high pain day and a high anxiety day and I definitely found it to be more affective at helping the latter.
Don't get me wrong, this definitely helped ease my lower back twinges and uterine cramps but it made a considerable difference to my mental health. The moment I started feeling anxious, I would have a few sprays of this and within 15 minutes I felt the knot in my stomach relax and any tension I was holding in my jaw and shoulders relax. I also found that my jaw was less sore in the morning (thanks bruxism) which was a nice added bonus; I'll definitely be keeping this spray on my bedside table for that very reason.
CannaCares Calm 700mg CBD Spray is £29,99
*This post contains PR samples/gifted items, for my PR disclaimer, click here.